Blog News

What is CBD oil ?

CBD OIL IS AN OIL EXTRACTED FROM CANNABIS SATIVA L. (HEMP) PLANTS CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the 2 major ingredients found in the Cannabis plant. It a non-intoxicating component which has enormous therapeutic potential.The cannabis plant also contains over 400 phytonutrients. Our groundbreaking Extraction methods allows us to extract all of these natural nutrients without using any heat or harmful solvents. Not only are you getting a high concentration of CBD with our products but you are also getting 400+ other nutrients in a natural, safe, easy to use…

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Blog News

Which cannabis products are safe?

How can you be sure the CBD products you buy or sell are safe . WITH MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BEING MISLED BY CBD COMPANIES. HOW CAN YOU BE SURE THE CBD PRODUCTS YOU BUY OR SELL ARE SAFE, LEGAL AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, AS DESCRIBED? By Canabidol Head Office Posted on Friday, June 28th, 2019 at 21:54 by Canabidolâ„¢ Head Office CBD supplements now outsell vitamin C supplements and can be found on nearly every high street across the country. However a new report conducted by the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis that…

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